ZD8SIX on Ascension
The end

The end of the day and my
DXpedition, sigh...
Well, we've come to the end of our trip to
Ascension island. This was literarily a trip of a lifetime and I'm now beginning
to wonder how I could possibly follow this up! Any ideas to Chris
Thanks: I would like to thank...
- all the staff at the AIS Guesthouse
for letting me use their facilities for my radio shack and all their help
during my stay.
- Lenny, ZD8LJD and Johnny, ZD8KW for
all their help before and during my visit.
- all the island's 'residents' for
all their friendliness and help.
- C&W for their Internet service that
actually worked first time an flawlessly while there (Ray, you should give
Gavin a pay rise!).
- the island's Administrator for the ZD8
licence and permission to 'come on board'!
- all those guys that even took
holiday to ensure they worked me as ZD8SIX.
- the guys back in the 1980s that put all
the effort into getting the ZD8VHF beacon up and running that has run
flawlessly over the years.
can't break away yet then take a virtual tour of the island!
'BYE - until the
next time!