The 'ebm' Blower
This page shows pictures of the blower and how it is mounted to the chassis using four removable M6 screws and cinch nuts force fitted into the back panel.
The light-weight blower
The light-weight blower
The quiet 8cm muffin fan for the PSU
The four M6 cinch nuts that will hold the blower
The lip of the RF deck floor slightly overlaps the blower hole, but this should not impede the airflow.
The M6 screws holding the removable blower onto the case.
This picture shows the anti-noise sheet mounted between the blower and back panel. This was cut from an old mouse mat.!
The M6 screws holding the removable blower onto the case.
The assembled blower showing the power feed socket connected
the 240v secondary on the HT transformer.